Other Helpful Programs for Gathering data and Post-processing Data

There are also a few other programs that have been designed that may be helpful for various reasons, but are not absolutely necessary for Postprocessing. In this article, we will introduce all these scripts, indicating what they do and how to use them. Some of these programs can be run by typing the program you want to run into the terminal from whatever directory you are in, but some of them you may need to copy to where you need to use them.

The scripts and programs that we will be mentioned here are:

  • The delALL.sh command

What to make sure is done before running any of these scripts.

If you installed Organisms through pip3

If you installed the Organisms program with pip3, these scripts will be installed in your bin. You do not need to add anything into your ~/.bashrc. You are all good to go.

If you performed a Manual installation

If you have manually added this program to your computer (such as cloning this program from Github), you will need to make sure that you have included the Helpful_Programs folder into your PATH in your ~/.bashrc file. All of these program can be found in the Helpful_Programs folder. To execute some of these programs from the Helpful_Programs folder, you must include the following in your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH_TO_GA="<Path_to_Organisms>"

where <Path_to_Organisms>" is the path to get to the genetic algorithm program. Also include somewhere before this in your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH="$PATH_TO_GA"/Organisms/Helpful_Programs:$PATH

See more about this in Installation of the Genetic Algorithm.

The delALL command

The delALL.sh command will remove all the files that are created during a genetic algorithm. This command only removes the following files (see bash code below)

rm -rf GA_Run_Details.txt epoch_data epoch_data.backup ga_running.lock
rm -rf Population Recorded_Data Initial_Population Saved_Points_In_GA_Run Memory_Operator_Data Diversity_Information
rm -rf __pycache__

Run this command by typing delALL.sh into the terminal where you have run your genetic algorithm trial (in the path where the Run.py file is).