This class will write the details of the genetic algorithm run.

class Organisms.GA.GA_Program_Details.GA_Program_Details(GA_Program, is_new_ga=True)

This class is designed to keep track of the process of the genetic algorithm run.

  • GA_Program (Organisms.GA.GA_Program:) – This is the main genetic algorithm program this class will be writing about

  • is_new_ga (bool.) – This determines if to write all the details about this genetic algorithm to a file. You only need to do this if the genetic algorithm is just beginning from generation 0. Default: True.


This will close the GA_Run_Details text file that is being recorded to.

This is designed to be a private definition


This definition will create a file containing the details of this genetic algorithm on the disk.


is_new_ga (bool.) – This determines if to write all the details about this genetic algorithm to a file. You only need to do this if the genetic algorithm is just beginning from generation 0.


Get the end time taken for a generation to run.


generation (int) – The generation that was run.

returns time_taken: The time taken for the generation to run in seconds. rtype time_taken: float


This def will write the finishing remarks of the genetic algorithm to GA_Run_Details


This will open the GA_Run_Details text file that is being recorded to.

This is designed to be a private definition


read_type (char) – This is the way to open the file, either read (r), write (w), or append (a).


Get the Starting time for this genetic algorithm, which will be used to time each generation.